Incor Group considers our main priority as being to provide our clients with a high level of service whilst behaving in a socially responsible manner, understanding social and environmental concerns and operating in a way that adds value.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility policy has been agreed by our Management to consistently incorporate solutions across our business:

▪ Equal Opportunities – Incor Group is committed to equal opportunities in both our employment practises and our services to clients. Our aim is to ensure that no potential or actual employee or client receives more or less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origins, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or religious beliefs.

▪ Clients – Incor Group maintains an open and honest working relationship with our clients. Agreed service levels and job specifications are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that we continually meet the changing needs of clients’ to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.

▪ Environment – Incor Group is committed to minimising production of waste products, promoting re-use and recycling of materials and preventing damage to the environment. Waste-saving initiatives are implemented such as accepting, submitting and receiving tenders in electronic formats and producing electronic invoices where possible.  Our offices use low energy lighting and staff receive training to save energy and reduce C02 emissions in the workplace and when travelling. The materials we recycle include paper, glass, cans, cartridges and plastics. All of our everyday cleaning products are non-hazardous and where possible contain the eco-label flower (Official EU mark for greener products).

▪ Environmental Management System –  We take great care to ensure that all our business operations take into account the impact that they may have on the environment and we constantly measure and monitor all areas of our operations to reduce their environmental impact. The Board of Directors fully commit to ensuring the organisation fulfils its environmental responsibilities by documenting, implementing and maintaining a Environmental Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO14001, applicable legal requirements and the prevention of pollution. We are aware of the environmental issues associated with operating our Company which include:

  • waste disposal and recycling
  • hazards from operating processes within our plants
  • fuel consumption and vehicle emissions from our transport operations
  • energy consumption
  • usage of materials, e.g., packaging, chemicals, linen, etc.


  • Waste Storage and Disposal – Incor Group complies with our duty of care under Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. It is our policy to use specialist waste bins to segregate waste and to use an authorised and registered carrier and disposal company, licensed by the relevant authorities. We segregate and store waste appropriately to ensure that we do not cause any pollution or harm to human health.

Our policy is supported by waste management procedures, including:

  • checking waste is transported and handled by businesses that are authorised to do so
  • completing Waste Transfer Notes, including a full, accurate description of the waste, to document all waste transfer, and keep them as a record for at least two years, ready for inspection at any time

▪ Health & Safety – Incor Group recognise our responsibility to provide a safe working environment for all our staff and we encourage people to report any potential problems to our attention as soon as possible. Our staff all participate in on-site Health & Safety Training during induction so that they are aware of potential hazards, mitigations to be adhered to, and their personal responsibility to work safely for their own safety and the protection of others. Staff receive regular refresher training and safety briefings and are encouraged to identify and report potential health & safety issues, and work as part of a team to resolve problems.

▪ Employees – Incor Group acknowledges that our companies reputation and success is built on the quality of our staff and their implementation of our company policies on a day to day basis. Staff welfare is a high priority for Management and this in turn leads to a settled and efficient workforce that produces high standards for our customers. All our staff are permanently employed and paid more than the National Living Wage.

▪ Community – Incor Group recognise the importance of contributing our energy into the local community. As part of our corporate social responsibility commitment we encourage our employees to do the same. This includes our staff supporting national and local initiatives such as McMillan coffee mornings.

▪ Working with Suppliers – We go to great lengths to ensure that companies in our supply chain adhere to the same principles and policies that inform our approach to corporate social responsibility. We will continue to work with our suppliers to actively:

  • Promote more environmentally friendly products and promote these to our customers
  • Reduce the amount of packaging and transit where possible
  • Implement schemes to take back, recover, re-use and recycle products at the end of their use/life


Our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibly is used to govern our business values, purpose and strategy, whilst embedding responsible and ethical business policies and practises into everything we do. By working together with all our employees and clients and embracing corporate social responsibility, Incor Group Limited are able to investigate new markets, respond to opportunities, build relationships and to benchmark and evaluate our services.